During any school group tour, teachers and students tend to have a great and memorable time. There are also multiple opportunities for students to expand their knowledge and improve their problem-solving skills. It is a refreshing period that also leaves a long-lasting impact on all participants. The following are reasons why school trips are essential for students: 1. Learning the … Read More
5 Effective Ways to Help Improve Your Communication Skills
According to studies, most people are as poor in listening as they are in expressing their views. Some talk too much than they listen, while others do neither. Where do you find yourself? Communication is an art that has to be mastered well. So, what are the ways to improve communication skills? 1. Active Listening to Improve Communication Active listening … Read More
Four Books to Read Before Going to University in South Africa
With the term zooming by faster than ever and the school holidays fast approaching, now is a great time to catch up on your reading. Whether you’re getting ready for a new grade or approaching the crossroads of choosing a major for university, it’s crucial to have a wide and varied reading list. Literature is an integral part of human … Read More
How to Balance School Work and a Full-Time Job
Have you been looking forward to furthering your studies while still keeping your full-time job? Most people go back to school while still working because of the financial challenges that might come with quitting. And you can’t just wish off further studies considering the benefits that come of it. So, it would be best if you found a way of … Read More
5 Tips Students in South Africa Can Use to Get Exam Ready
Exams are only a month away for many students in South Africa. These examinations may determine whether or not you are admitted into the institution of your choosing, or they may be your first exams at the university level; you must be exam ready. Exam stress can transform even the most organized and prepared student into a bundle of anxiety, … Read More
Contributions of Technology to Education in South Africa
South Africa is one of the countries in Africa that boasts over a decade of accumulated experience from various projects and programs. Learning institutions are continually testing ICT models on teacher training and optimal usage that encourages significant learning. Technology is one of the strategies South Africa is deploying to help curb the high rate of unemployment. The adoption of … Read More
5 Important Factors to Consider Before Saying yes to a job Even When you are Broke
Most people work for about 48hours a week on average. That means if you work from age 20 to 60, you will have worked about 90,000 hours before retirement. If you die at 70, (it’s less likely you will get there if you work in a toxic environment) you will have spent about 346,800 hours doing other things including sleeping. Where … Read More
The South African College Student’s Guide to a Fulfilling Career in 2021
It is common for college students to worry about what career path to pursue after studying. While the chosen degree may open up some opportunities, there is no guarantee that those will be fulfilling and rewarding from a financial standpoint. For those of you who are at this juncture, we have put together a brief but actionable guide to help … Read More
How to Choose the Best College to Further Your Education
John Dewey once said that education is not preparation for life, education is life itself. That could be the reason why even after Albert Einstein passed on, 14 pieces of his brain are still at McMaster University in Hamilton Canada. Albert was a brilliant mind who kept quoting that he had no special talents of his own, he was just … Read More
6 Great Tips to Eating Healthy in South Africa on a Student Budget in 2021
Eating healthy in your student years is vital, as it goes a long way in determining your health in your later years. Eating healthy on a student budget is easier said than done because the whole, single-ingredient foods that are recommended for healthy living can be quite expensive. Because of this, we have come up with several helpful pointers to … Read More