Nelson Mandela once said, “There is no passion to be found playing small- in settling for a lifetime less than what you are capable of living”.
Majority of the youth today are struggling to hit their goals but too often find them-selves settling for the average score.
Do you know why?
They just don’t know how to unleash their potential. This article will help you avoid getting stuck in that state of mediocrity.
Let’s dive in:
1. Make a Solid Plan
All successful undertakings begin with a clear plan. Write down your vision and the steps you’ll take to achieve it. Write down the grades you want at the end of the semester. The job you want after graduation, or the number of branches you want to open by the end of the year.
How old is the bible?
About 2700 years, right? Surprisingly somebody back then had already realized the power of having a written plan. Habakkuk 2; 2
Here is why you need to write down your vision…
When you hang a picture frame in your room, it reminds you of the day that picture was taken, right?
A written plan reminds you there is something you intend to achieve. This challenges you to keep seeking solutions. You can never back-out until you’ve accomplished.
You aren’t going to kick out that mediocrity walking blindly. Have a written plan.
2. Right Career Choices
Being in the right career can propel you to unimaginable heights. It’s said that a man who loves what he does, will never have to work a day in his life. Choosing the right career however, calls for proper analyses of who you are, and what you enjoy doing.
How do you know your right fit?
First, identify your gift. Your gift is what you do your absolute best, with the least amount of effort as Steve Harvey says.
Avoid being pushed by external forces to pursue what is not in your plans. Start by self-scrutiny, then, pursue something that is closely related to your personality.
Have you identified your gift? Good. Now think of how to monetize it.
What if you are already in a career you don’t like?
Start by taking part-time classes. Use what you have to work on your dream but, before pursuing any career, conduct extensive research.
3. Self Improvement
All right, congratulations! You’ve managed to tackle the topic that has been a headache for months. You’ve gotten that job you wanted, but everybody else is on the same level as you now.
How do you stand out from the crowd?
Extra efforts
You want the ‘employee of the year’ title, right? Start getting to work earlier than everybody else. Learn a new skill, handle extra tasks, be the best in the topic that is everybody’s nightmare in class. Build on what you have and embrace change.
As a youth, you can learn fast and adjust. Unlike your grandmother, who keeps asking you to teach them how to adjust their phone’s screen brightness. You can easily grasp new concepts. Be swift in adopting change to avoid being overtaken by time.
Adapt to change.
4. Get Mentorship
The route to your destiny remains unknown to you. That’s why you need somebody holding your hand. A mentor acts as your road map. They help you achieve results fast because they know what works.
Finding the right mentor can be tricky, but you can start by identifying that successful person you like. Try getting closer to them. Let them know you need their mentorship.
What if your ideal mentor is an international figure like Richard Branson?
Wow! That sounds way out of reach, right?
Not really. Today social media has created the best platforms to interact with people from all round the universe.
Reach out to them; they might just be waiting for the opportunity to mentor someone.
5. Networking With Fellow Youths
After acquiring a certain skill, let people know. Most of your peers don’t know what you do. Connect with them. Once in a while offer them useful information on how to handle particular issues in your field. Answer their questions when they come up.
Let them know you as the expert in that particular field. Soon they will start recommending you to potential clients.
But I’m just a student…
Yes, this point is for you too. Networking helps you learn a lot from your peers. This could also be the source of your first job after graduation.
So, create friends and let them know what you do. Be the best in their eyes.
The world doesn’t recognize mediocrity. To set yourself apart, you need a clear vision of where you want to go. Make a plan on how to get there and when.
Find out what you love to avoid wasting time on what won’t work for you.
Being a youth means you have plenty of time to find your passion and build on it.
Find guidance and market your expertise. We are not in a competition, but it doesn’t hurt to be at the top.
I dare you to apply these tips today, and see how far you’ll get.